The Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (CTET), founded in 1989, has been at the forefront of offering Craniosacral Therapy (CST) practitioners continuing professional development courses aimed at growing their knowledge and skill base. CTET graduates also have the opportunity to study for an ‘Advanced Biodynamic Diploma (ABD)’. This is awarded to those graduates who complete additional studies beyond the CTET practitioner training course.
To qualify, candidates are required to complete a minimum of 30 days of attendance on eligible continuing professional development courses. In addition, one of the following three requirements must also be completed: a thesis on some aspect of biodynamic craniosacral practice; a supervised research project; or assisting/teaching on a full foundation training organised by CTET. Successful graduates are awarded the designated letters ‘ABD’, which is made possible by the Trust’s membership of the International Affiliation of Biodynamic Trainings.
CTET was founded by Michael Kern, a Craniosacral Therapist and Naturopath who has been teaching since 1986 and is a leading exponent of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) practice. In BCST, the emphasis is to work with the underlying forces that govern how we function, rather than just focusing on the effects or symptoms of these forces. As a non-invasive approach, BCST takes a whole-body, whole-person perspective that taps into the interconnections between the body, mind and spirit to facilitate a restoration of health. CTET remains at the cutting edge of BCST education!
Keys to Self-Forming and Self-Empowerment
Continuing professional development courses at CTET explore particular topics that are designed to build practitioners’ skills in various areas of special interest. As part of this programme, CTET is delighted to offer Keys to Self-Forming and Self-Empowerment, a seminar with Dr. Jim Feil on September 22nd-25th 2022. This class can be attended in London or online. It is open to all somatic practitioners.
The theme of ‘self-intimacy’ will be explored as a doorway into formative and embodiment processes. This seminar will deepen verbal and process skills, and refine perceptual abilities during treatment sessions, helping clients to move through deep-set and intransigent patterns. Participants will benefit from Jim Feil’s many years of clinical and teaching experience! For further details and bookings please email