In recent years, there have been huge developments in our understanding of fascia and more and more health care practitioners are realising that this ‘living matrix’ plays a significant role in our physical and emotional health. See the attached PDF for a description of fascia.

In the past, fascia was largely regarded as an insignificant connecting and ‘packing’ material, but in his writing and teaching, Michael Kern of the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust outlines fascia’s significance as a major communication system in the body.

There is growing evidence from a wide range of researchers that healthy fascia plays a significant role for our health and well-being.

How Can Healthy Fascia Be of Benefit? 

Fascia extends throughout all parts of the body; it connects all organs, muscles, nerves and blood vessels, and it forms part of the internal matrix of each body structure. Therefore, the influence of fascia is wide ranging. Fascia that is supple, hydrated and healthy allows for body wide communication through its extensive endowment with sensory nerves, its properties to conduct light-based impulses and it’s electro-magnetic and piezo-electric capacities to communicate messages. Furthermore, healthy fascia can reduce the risk of injury, reduce recovery time after exercise, increase blood flow… and may even help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Fascia can be categorised into three main types, which are described in the infographic attachment.

Restriction in the Fascia 

As a result of stress, strain, injury or scarring, the natural motion within fascia may become restricted. As a result, the important functions that fascia carries out can become compromised. Many aspects of an unhealthy lifestyle, such as poor diet, low quality of sleep and dehydration can also contribute to fascial dysfunction.

Craniosacral Therapy and Fascia 

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle approach that can influence fascial function, helping to resolve fascial restrictions and so bring it back to its normal, supple and motile state. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is based on the principle that there are a series of subtle rhythms expressed within the whole body that play a fundamental role for our health. If these rhythmic motions within the fascia become compromised, normal fascial function can be disturbed. Using a light touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists can create conditions for the restoration of these subtle rhythms and a return to fascial health.

You can find an overview of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in the embedded short video.