Humans kill and mistreat animals for many excuses. These include the meat, clothing, and fur industries; animal testing and experimentations; and for sport.  

However, what gives us the right to do this just because animals don’t speak our language? Animals are not here just for us humans to use; they should be treated with the same dignity and respect with which we should treat one another. Animal rights need to be protected just as human rights are protected. Being an animal rights activist does not have to mean storming the gates of an animal testing laboratory or throwing tins of paint over people wearing fur, but can start in small ways. If enough people get on board to protect animal rights, significant and lasting change can be achieved. 

Michael Kern, Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy teacheris a long-term vegetarian and committed advocate of animal rights.  

Some global facts about animal cruelty are outlined in the infographic attachment with this post. 

Changing Diet 

One of the first steps towards protecting animal rights is declining to be part of a system than farms and eats animals. If enough people adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet, the meat and dairy industries would lose demand. Eventually this would lead to fewer animals being bred in captivity and slaughtered to satisfy human appetites. Cooking delicious vegan meals is a good way to start. 

The embedded PDF explores some top tips for people thinking about changing to a vegan diet. 

Animal Activism 

Being an animal activist can be as simple as spreading the message of animal rights to friends and family, in the hope that they will then pass the message on to others. It is also about leading by example 

Most animal activists choose their path for moral reasons. Protecting animal rights can be as personal as discussing this with close friends, or as widespread as joining in protest marches. In the UK, the right to peaceful protest is enshrined within law. More information about protest rights in the UK can be found in the short video attachment.  

Individuals can also be proactive without joining groups, by writing letters to vendors of products created with animal cruelty, or by challenging preconceptions in areas where injustice is taking place.